I cannot order better white clam sauce in a restaurant. My boyfriend begs me to make this! Thanks Mom! Serve this dish with fresh garlic bread and a nice white wine. I promise this is a keeper and you...
Scallops have a reputation for being hard to cook correctly, but this recipe is really fast, easy, and oh so tasty. The key is high heat for the sear, a good nonstick pan, and clarified butter. Pairs well...
This is a very simple, easy to prepare meal that you will most likely be asked to prepare again. The taste, if carefully prepared and not overcooked, is incredible. ENJOY!
This is a quick and easy shrimp kabob recipe, perfect for beginners. Requires minimal ingredients, but is bursting with flavor. Serve over a bed of rice with fresh lemon wedges.
Tomatoes and shrimp cooked up with garlic and onions - this Gulf Coast tradition will have you dreaming of the bayou. This recipe can either be a main dish or a side dish. You can make it as hot as you...
This scallop and spaghetti dinner with a creamy sauce is fast and easy. I cook the scallops a bit longer than many chefs, but that's gives the dish more flavor and they're still tender and moist. I think...
Large sea scallops are combined with garlic, shallots, butter, and bread crumbs then baked to perfection. Being from Maine, we love our seafood, and this is one of the greats!
My late mother created this recipe over thirty years ago. My grandparents, my father, and myself have enjoyed these baked stuffed shrimp every other Friday for many years. It's a tradition - we eat baked...
I was out at a cabin when one of my guests brought in some scallops. Since I had some mushrooms, onions, and garlic, I combined the ingredients to create this dish. This recipe is quick and easy to make...
A very simple recipe for how delicious it is! Just crush the garlic with the side of a chef's knife blade instead of chopping it, and using whole sprigs of rosemary allows them to be easily removed before...
This is a great easy prawn marinade, they are great on the BBQ, we put them out as appetizers but they can also be a main course. I've also sauteed them with the marinade and used the sauce with pasta...
This simple recipe uses minimal ingredients in order to highlight the delicious flavor of the sea scallop! Garnish with a drizzle of balsamic and chopped fresh basil.
A little more elaborate then a basic marinara but still simple, quick and relatively cheap! This recipe will feed 4 people who like to eat or 5-6 light eaters.
It was our turn to host the 'Dinner Club'. Our theme was Italian. This was a great entree that did not take hours in the kitchen and allowed me to enjoy our company. Great fun with great friends!
This is a great, simple and fast way to cook shrimp that can go with anything! I've served it over linguine, with orzo and cream sauce, accompanying a steak, or alone as an appetizer - the possibilities...
Pan-seared scallops may seem intimidating to some, but it's really a simple dish to prepare. Sea scallops are amazingly tender, succulent, and mildly flavored, but when you style them up with a flavorful...
Tenderized octopus, char-grilled and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, a squeeze of fresh lemon, and a sprinkling of fresh parsley. Simple, yet deliciously satisfying!
My mother gave this recipe to me and it is great for an impressive dinner party. Fresh shrimp in a wonderful creamy coconut curry sauce served over rice. Top with chopped green onion, minced red bell pepper,...
You won't even need a fork for this no-fuss supper. Include some top-of-the line potato chips and mixed pickled vegetables on the menu, and have ice cream bars for dessert.
This is a simple recipe. Most of the work is preparing the mussels; cooking takes very little time. When you have finished eating the mussels, dip bread in the buttery wine sauce.
This seriously delicious drunken mussels recipe is one of the quickest shellfish preparations known to man. Bring a flavorful, wine-based broth to a boil, add mussels and cover; cook until they open, and...
I experimented with some ways to cook scallops one night with my family. This was everyone's favorite and it has become a regular dish at our family fry nights. If serving as a main dish, make twice as...
This is a recipe I just kind of fooled around with and made up. When I first tasted it I was proud! I felt like I was eating a meal from a gourmet Italian restaurant!
Delicious crispy shrimp coated in a bread crumb-Parmesan mixture. My family can't get enough of it! I would suggest doubling the recipe if you have very large eaters because this is addictive! Serve with...
While it may sound like a plain, generic item you see on a menu at the food court at the mall, honey-garlic shrimp is actually one of the most exciting and delicious garlic shrimp recipes I know. It's...
This was inspired by one of my favorite restaurant pasta dishes. I keep the lemon separate until the end due to a picky family member, but you could add it earlier if everyone likes lemon. Do not use pre-cooked...
Use fresh lobster if available, but 2 (6 ounce) cans of lobster may be used instead. This recipe is rich and delicious. If you do not like spicy food, use paprika in place of cayenne pepper. Serve hot,...
This is a recipe for shrimp with a seasoned bread stuffing. I love to serve this dish when I have guests for dinner because I can prepare the shrimp early in the day. I've always received rave reviews...