This one-pan dinner gets topped with yogurt sauce, radishes, and pomegranate seeds to add a fun layer of fresh tartness to the sweetly spiced pork and potatoes. If you're serving picky eaters, you can...
Sweet and tangy pomegranate juice brings a depth of flavor and rich color to this meltingly tender lamb stew (no tagine required!) Serve with Cauliflower "Couscous" with Dried Fruit and Almonds or any...
Fragrant, herbaceous chermoula sauce acts as both a marinade and a dressing for this pretty, Moroccan-inspired salad of carrot ribbons, crisp cucumbers, tangy feta, and bright pomegranate seeds.
Good things do come in small packages. This quail is tender and juicy, and the marinade gives it a spicy sweetness. Best of all, you won't believe how easy it is-marinate, then it's less than 20 minutes...
Spice-rubbed chicken legs get roasted alongside spaghetti squash and onion for an easy sheet-pan dinner that's bursting with bright, comforting flavors.
Za'atar is a pre-made spice blend of aromatic dried thyme or oregano, tart sumac, and nutty sesame seeds. Here, it flavors fish fillets served over a warm salad of wilted chard, crisp pomegranate seeds,...
Known as "SC Grenadine" at Smuggler's Cove in San Francisco, this fresh, two-ingredient grenadine syrup is perfect for tiki drinks or mocktails like a Shirley Temple.
This recipe calls for a whole leg of ham, with the bone in, that has been pre-cured and pre-cooked. If you can't buy a pre-cooked ham, ask your local butcher for a cured leg and follow their cooking instructions...