A plate of fresh herbs is served at most Persian meals, often taking the place of a salad. Serve this dish as an appetizer, or do as the Persians do and leave it on the table throughout the meal. Toasted...
Author: Louisa Shafia
Author: Claudia Fleming
A colorful, aromatic rice that is good with the Spicy Lamb Stew with Apricots and Cardamom, or with broiled chicken, fish or vegetables.
Author: James Beard
Author: Brook Dojny
This over-the-top cake has impressive looks and moistness. Start the cherries ahead: They soak in brandy for a week and then in syrup for at least two days.
Author: Jennifer Denton
To make this slightly sweet dish such a delicious departure from other melon soups, Kinch briefly cooks vibrant Cavaillon and Charentais melons. Feel free to use any of your favorite summer melons, including...
Author: David Kinch
Author: Rose Levy Beranbaum
Author: Jesus Gonzalez
Author: Grace Young
Author: Gina Schild
Author: Stephanie Clarke